Tuesday, November 3, 2009

worth the 4 years??

My economics class drives me completely crazy. I wonder how the lecture makes me sleepy at 10 in the morning. My engg. background has completely alienated economics from me. Inorder to stay awake i've mastered the art of sms'ing inbetween lecture's. My B.Com friend happened to msg me that " Y the struggle u could've better studied B.Com with me nw ur B.E does nothing for ur MBA". That's when the thought occurred to me has my 4yrs of constant struggle that too from a strict college means nothing?? what have i gained from it apart from a degree??
An engineering that too in EEE has widened my options, my field of interests. A B.E and nw an MBA has increased the opportunities i can hunt down on the way.

Like it is said opportunities favors the prepared mind. I've come to a conclusion that my engineering degree is not just a degree, it has given me more than that - A prepared mind. Irrespective of the my UG i can explore an excel in any number of fields.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i 2 can feel ur pain da darling...me too like u one engg graduate who wasted/gained knwledge in 4 yrs in geth clg like srm...(ipidi dan nambale naama dialogue adichu samadhaaana padithikanum)

  3. Hehee idhuku dhan na viscom eduthen unna maadhiri kashtapadala...Anyways all for good.....

  4. Though there are many graduates now a days may be BE or MBA or Bcom is doesnt mean that the degrees are worthless. Well said in a tamil movie call Nadoodigal. Every degree is a equal.
    In my point of view nothing is big and nothing is waste. There are many peoples who are millionaires and billionaires without these degree.. It will be really useful if you start thinking of these business man with your MBA degree...

  5. enna kodumai priya iuthu...
    unn life ippadi acha..
    but MBA s a valued degree tat too with B.E
    i think ur UG was in JAIL know..
    atleast enjoy here...
    all the best priya!!

  6. ha ha ..Good post..having done EEE u must feel that MBA is nothing but wind

  7. You have correctly written about our economics class , the reality what every students suffer in DOMS :-D
